Monday, December 10, 2012

The Melee of the Middle

Often I think about the hardest part of most endeavors is getting started. In painting, it's often difficult to know when one is finished and just when to call enough, enough. To just put that brush or pastel away and be satisfied. But, this past week has been a scuffle in the middle, a confused fight, a skirmish in paint and sweat. Lots of time spent pondering, looking, accessing....considering what moves will bring the pieces to fruition.

I have about a dozen pieces in various stages, mostly they are in the middle. I see something in each one, something of merit but I'm unsure of how to make my way to the end. It makes me wonder a bit about the "end". What is that exactly.  Ending, finishing means you get to start anew with the next blank canvas, the next chapter, ....This is the exciting part and the scary part. I'll go with exciting!! In the meantime, I'll be scuffling in the middle!! Wish me luck!


Barbara Benedetti Newton said...

Marla,thanks for this post. I've been having about a week of the same thing. Stuck in the middle. Your post makes me feel better about posting my own difficulties on my blog. Good luck and thank you.

Jami Buck said...

Marla, I'm in the same predicament. Actually, this is not uncommon, it seems.
One of the best things about blog perusing is finding that our struggles are universal. Thanks for sharing your struggles and your triumphs. I always enjoy reading about your art journey and love your work.

Unknown said...

Marla, It's nice to know that I'm not the only one out here encountering the same concerns. I have a 4" wide shelf the length of my studio where I set unfinished paintings along with the newest completed ones. Very often I wake up in the middle of the night and find myself think about what I need to do to to fix one of them. I've been taught to do a number of composition and color thumbnails to solve the problems I might encounter throughout a painting but I still find times where I question my decision making in the middle of a work. When this happens, I take the easy way out and start thinking about starting on another one. Do you ever not finish a painting by just ignoring it or do you always come up with the answers to complete it without ruining it?

JeffD said...

I have heard it said "maturity can handle ambiguity."

When paintings are in that nether region of - being between start and finish you have to hold on to the idea that you still have somewhere to go with the work.

You may not know where it will go, but you can rest in the process - while you go forward, knowing you can handle all of the possible twist and turns in the road ahead.

Even better - you don't know what will come of that work. The best is when the painting is pushed to the brink, lost and floundering and then you discover a way to revive it. That is pure joy.

If it has not been pushed you won't feel that sense of accomplishment.

elisa gaent said...

Dear Ms. Baggetta, I feel drawn to her work, I have also through their encouragement Pastel
Colors bought and tried a few small pieces.
They are encouraging!
Several times a week I look over at her Plog
and wait eagerly for news of you.
I'm sure they will find a solution for each image.
Doubt you always.
Do you know the artist Christine Comyn?
I wish you happy holidays
and create rich in 2013
From Cologne Germany
Elisabeth Gäntgen