
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Out in the Hood and Wendy's Flowers

Going to work by myself every day is just not something I've really ever done. I've worked in a home studio for almost 20 years. I'm finding it's a great ritual; the preparation of oneself for the day, the preparation of ones stuff and then there is the drive, the coffee, the traffic. All this is new to me. Well, not the coffee part! I know, it might get old, it might get rough around the edges especially when the days are not so shiny and bright. For now it's all new and wonderful.

There is also the anticipation of the day. Is everything I'd left there yesterday safe and sound? Will everyone I leave at home have a good day? What will I accomplish or fail to accomplish. Such new territory for me both literally and figuratively.

Once here, I'm settling in pretty well.

With this warm weather, I've been able to leave the front door of the atelier open and enjoy the breeze and the summer light floating into the space. Also floating in and out of the space are my neighbors and the occasional passersby. This is also new to me. An unexpected delight. Yesterday, I was out in front painting the trim on the building... Yes, I'm still painting walls, but I've also started painting paintings! A young woman with her small son in a stroller happened by. She immediately busted out in a warm and welcoming "hello" and asked what I was doing with the space. When I told her she said something like "get out, girl!" She was encouraging and delighted with the idea of the space. It was so wonderful.

Then came Wendy and Jackie to have lunch with me. Of course Wendy came with a vase full of fragrant, beautiful roses from her garden. Of course!! As if I weren't lucky enough to have come into this space, I also have a "Wendy". Along with Wendy, comes her lovely friend Jackie. Both are brimming with excitement for me and the space and tons of brilliant ideas! MORE, MORE, MORE!!

It's coming together bit by bit and some of it by leaps and bounds. Remember, it will be available to rent as both workshop and event space! It's big and now it's beautiful and cool!

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