I have an Iphone, an ipod, ipod dock and of course my computer to stream music from. I like my music loud and obnoxious. I listen to hard rock, alternative rock, rap and just plain junk that I wouldn't tell anyone about. Worse, than the worst "guilty pleasures" type music. I'm not quite sure why this works for me rather than lovely blues, jazz or classical. My best guess is that this "bad" stuff just washes over me and infuses me rhythm and a beat that helps me paint with energy and passion. I've had friends and students ask me to share my list, but honestly I'm just too embarrassed to share. So I'm not going to!
I like new or different music to keep me interested, so I'm always on the lookout for new stuff. A few sources I use;
Pandora Radio - you pick a song or group and it chooses related music for you. A great way to hear different stuff
ITunes - the Genius mixed are fun and itunes will also makes suggestions for you. Dangerous!
Spotify - Facebook app that is fun, but I don't like that it posts what you are currently listening to. I don't really want you to know what junk I have on!
Youtube Playlists - this is another great way to listen to music that other folks have complied. It's amazing that people have the time to do this!
Friends - I'm always asking people what they are listening to. I'd love to hear about what you're listening to, other sources you use and why you like it or like me, it just works for you to paint by.

I agree. I can't imagine art/life without music. Slacker (same type of service as Pandora) is my DJ of choice. My iPhone buds go in when I wake up and go out to run the dog. I've also got my Slacker account on my Squeezebox (Logitech) hooked up to Genelec studio monitors in my studio. Truly amazing sound quality! And they give my ears a chance to breathe without buds. I also love the ambient feel of room sound. Sometimes I think the sound should make your organs jump for you to really hear the music.
My tastes are eclectic, and like you, no, I'm not telling. Rock on! ;0]
Nice post sharing! House painting Seattle
Hi SamArtDog,
Is slacker for PC only or can I get it for my iphone? Thanks for posting!
Google <>. Discussions about Slacker vs. Pandora explain why Slacker rules. Yes, it's available for both iPhone and iPod. Besides Squeezebox in my studio, I also went to Radio Shack and got a Gigaware cassette adapter for my car so I can also listen to my iPhone (i.e., Slacker) there.
Btw, I am NOT as much of an audio nerd as it sounds. My husband used to build recording studios, so for me it's a honeydew. "...Sure would be cool if I could listen in my studio, in my car, etc..." I will take credit for finding Slacker, however.
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I'm finally getting time to wander back thro your blog (got the final kiln on last night!!!).
just had to laugh at your comment about the kind of music you listen to....i have some very embarrassing guilty pleasure type music...thank god for remotes...i can quickly mute when a customer comes into the showroom :) i haven't succumbed to all the ipods etc....so i am still attached to my computer when in my office/play space! just a big ghetto blaster in the studio!
cheers, linda
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