
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Today's Work

One of my artist friends posted something on Facebook yesterday that reminded me that a day in the studio is like a little dance we have with ourselves. She posted that she spent a good deal of time in the studio walking in circles then making a cup of tea. Sound familiar to anyone??

Mastering the disinclination to work. Then, getting down deep into the work.

It's the time of year that it's cold in the studio. I knew this was coming and prepared myself, both mentally and physically for it. I get cold very easily and have Raynaud's Syndrome, which is a condition when your core temperature drops and the blood moves from your extremities to warm your core. I have to stay warm. This takes more mental energy and causes me to have a bit of hesitation to go into the studio. I have to put a separate heater on in our space. It costs more, so I have this little tug, not to turn it on. Just another thing that adds to the disinclination to work!!

But today I did master the disinclination. I was feeling a little bit under the weather, very cold and not super excited about what I had on the easel. I'm working on several bodies of work for upcoming shows, some of it I'm really into and wish I could stick with a bit longer without switching gears. But... today I decided I'd better get a few things rolling in another direction.

Here's a bit of what I did. This is one of a planned series of 6 to 8 larger pastels, approx. 24 x 30. They are all figures in various interior settings. They are all pretty complex scenes and involve a lot of drawing and planning ahead. I think they will be great when they are done... I just have my mind on some other work, so when I had some good success today, I was happy that I  didn't get frustrated and anxious to do other things.
In prgoress
Closer to finish

Next one up! Watercolor under-painting
The cafe scene is not done. I still have quite a bit of work on it yet. Among other things, the sandwich board needs to be grayer and a lighter. Some areas need more drawing/detail while others need to be simplified, but overall I think it's coming together pretty well and it's interesting working with such complexity, something I haven't done in a while. I think the kitchen will be cool to work on too.


  1. I really love this direction, Marla! It really shows off your mastery of, well, everything!

  2. How are you not happy enough with these gorgeous under-paintings you do? Hope you document them well before you turn them into these gorgeous pastels!
    Keep warm!

  3. Samartdog,

    Thanks so much for your comment!! I'm a mark maker so I guess, it's hard to stop at paint and I feel like they are not finished..... I don't always take pictures :-(

  4. WOW!! I love the vibrant colours and lovely balance between detail and impression. Your work is fabulous!

  5. Love the new direction! Seen your amazing landscapes in PJ, but these are so great. Love the impressionism and energy of the strokes.
