
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Inside My Studio

Right now, my studio is in a fairly organized state. Come January, I'm sure it will be quite different.

My main easel has foam core board clipped to a rigid board that gives me a softer working surface for the pastels. I have a "trap" that runs the width of the easel to catch the pastel dust. This is lined with foil, so when it fills, I simply roll up the foil and dispose of the dust. I don't save it to make pastels with, although I might at some point. I have some old carpet remenants on the floor to save my pastels from breakage, should I drop any while working.
To my right is my palette which I have arranged by hue, value and intensity. This is how Richard Mckinley sets up his palette. I really love his method. Mine is not perfect and is always a work in progress. It needs constant maintenance. I try to keep this as organized and as clean as possible. Lately, I try to wipe them off and return all the pieces to their spots as I'm working or at least when I've completed a piece. I made the tray myself. It's lined with foam to help keep the pastels cleaner. I can set a lid on this tray and put my other glass palette on top when I'm not using the pastels. Slick!

Next to my easel is computer/monitor. This used to be my desktop computer before I got my laptop. The monitor is covered with a piece of acetate to help keep it clean and the keyboard has a skin on it. Still gets dusty. Underneath are essentials like barrier cream, tissues, gloves, scissors. Stuff I use all the time. The next shelf has printed photos that I'm working with or thinking of working with. The bottom shelf of this unit, has my sketchbooks and binders with more photo reference. Also a binder with many of my pieces. I keep this as handy reference in solving problems that may arise when I'm working. I try not to have to solve problems more than once, maybe twice!! Three times!

I pin work directly on the drywall of the walls. I have work that is finished and I want to see together with other pieces in order to build a body of work for a show. I put up unfinished work that I see a kernel of something in and sometimes just I just want to look at something.

Under the table to the left of the main easel, I have my plein air gear at the ready, just in case. Backpack, french easel and the large Heilman Box. Also a smaller box by Willow Wisp Farms that I take to life drawing.The pastels in the boxes are set up just like my studio palette. That way, when I go to paint outside, I'm super familiar with the palette.

The cart holds one of my glass oil palettes and oil paint. This cart works out great. I just roll it aside when I'm working in just pastel as I am right now. I love, love the view out the doors to my deck. Today it had a lovely dusting of snow and ice! The red stool, I've had since I was six years old!

My "office" is in a large walk-in closet. It's perfect because I can set my laptop in there without worrying about it getting pastel dust on it. I keep all my workshop paperwork, my back-stock of pastels, paper and show info in this space. I like it! I also have a desk upstairs in the house, but I don't use it as much. Like the closet!
Right behind the main easel is a second easel that I use for oil painting when things are really cranking and I need another space to work. I've considered other easels, but like the Sante Fe II just fine and they are reasonable in price. Then there's my space heater, which I was grateful for today since it was about 18 degrees this morning!

This is my private studio. It's only about 350 square feet. A lot happens in that space. I could move out into a larger space, but I feel really safe and comfortable in this room, so I stay. I also share an open space with Mike. It has a large room that I use for my studio workshops, a printing press, a room that houses fax, copier and banks of flat files and a separate framing/shipping room. Hope you enjoyed a little peak into my studio! Happy Thanksgiving!!


  1. fantastic view! thank you! i loved it!

  2. I dream of having a studio like yours... so organised and yet so full of creativity.Thank you for showing it to us.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Wonderfully inspiring Marla! Thank you for sharing your piece of creative heaven!

  4. Thanks for the peak into your studio. It's fascinating to see the place where such wonder happens. Paint on!
