
Friday, October 29, 2010

Wine Country Retreat

I was looking through my photos this morning and came across shots from the Wine Country Mentoring Retreat Wendy and I just did in Dundee, Oregon. We were fortunate with weather, our hostess was generous, students engaged and good cooks too! This year was a bit of an experiment. It was a very small group and we all roomed together and made meals together. Next year we'll open it up to a larger group with the option to stay at a B&B up the road a bit. We'll host a meet & greet and one dinner. After that, students will be on their own for meals. If students stay at the main retreat building, (Maresh), there is a beautiful full kitchen for our use.

The workshop itself will be a bit more formal in content and structure than we did this year. But critiques will still be in the evening with a glass of wine!! Very nice.

We've already booked the retreat for October 7-9, 2011. Sign up early!!

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