
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Time for Teaching and Time for Painting

I've always maintained that I want to be a painter, not a painting teacher. I think this comes from my distaste for that saying that those who can "do" and those who can't "teach". I don't think this is always true and probably not a fair statement because I've been very fortunate to have had more than a few instructors who "could". Lately, however, I've found myself in the position of having to make some hard choices about my time. I love, love teaching. It's social and makes me walk my talk and informs my work in unexpected ways.

I've traveled away from my studio and home this year and seen some beautiful amazing places, met some very wonderful people and had my breath taken away by student work. Not a bad way to spend ones times. I feel so fortunate to be able to help students either rekindle a creative inclination or expand on their already burning desire to be creatively productive. It's been wonderful in ways I can't begin to count.

After this week teaching in Bend, Oregon, I'll settle back in the studio for a bit and hopefully get my own creative juices flowing. I have many ideas for new work. I'm especially inspired by the scenery in Wisconsin. The verdant woods and open fields, seem like a perfect playground for my work. I'm anxious to try out some oil pastel as well as oils and soft pastel.

So, I'll put my 2011 schedule together thoughtfully and mindful of what my intentions are. Teaching will be an important part of the mix.


  1. HI Marla, Sounds like you have had a wonderful year, full of possibilities. I ALWAYS love seeing your work.I am looking forward to seeing your new teaching schedule and hope to maybe join a workshop sometime!

  2. Wow, they are looking awesome Marla! I am leaving inspired! Thank you.
