
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pastel Society of Maine

I'm excited that I all three of the pieces I entered into the Pastel Society of Maine International Show were accepted. Now I have to get them ready to ship there. Two still need their frames. I have shipping boxes all set to go, luckily. I'll be sending them in Airfloat boxes. One of the pieces is a still life which is a departure for me. It was fun to do and makes me want to try some others. Here are the pieces. Wish me luck in the show. I hope they get some attention and or sell!


  1. They're beautiful and I'm sure will find a new home!

    I'm curious, I've never yet had to ship a framed pastel...and have been wondering how one does such a thing. The biggest issue I foresee is: how can one make sure that a piece stays right side up when it is shipped and handled, etc.?? because if it ends up face down, then pastel dust will be sprinkled onto the inside of the glass.
    And: what's a ballpark figure if one has to ship something like that?

  2. These are all gorgeous! Best of luck in the show.
